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Women Leaders - Kristi Tacony Humes, Tacony Corporation

by Jennifer Bardot and Marianne Biangardi

When you began your career did you ever imagine you would have a leadership role like you have now? What advice would you give your younger self?

I definitely did not! I was more focused on learning every area of the business, and when I felt I was ready to take on more I would. It’s been a gradual process that has only deepened my love for this business and its people.
Advice I would give to my younger self: You can do whatever you strive for! Open your heart and your mind, work hard, don’t take no for an answer, and you’ll need a little grit along the way, too.

Who inspires you and why? What is your most valued attribute in the leaders you respect or mentors you have had?

I have made close friends with many women leaders with whom I have become close simply because they inspire me to be a better leader, mom, wife, and businesswoman. They make things happen - and even if it’s hard they balance it all. Their success and accomplishments help me say ‘I can do it too,’ and achieve more in all aspects of my life.
I value honesty, transparency, hard work, servant leadership, grit, confidence, and knowing when to ask for help. Probably the most valuable attribute is being humble.

What did it take in order to trust yourself to step into leadership?

I built confidence in my leadership skills with a few wins I celebrated, a few losses that I got over, and the willingness to recognize I could do this, and in fact, wanted to do this.

Have you experienced any hardships and how did you overcome the obstacles? When did you know, the business was going to make it?

Covid would be the best example of a hardship. One day everything changed, and we had to figure out if we could be open. Would sales happen? How will we ship goods? When will we get goods? How do I take care of my team and customers fairly and with integrity?
I knew we would make it after 6 weeks - the sales started to happen, we could remain open in most locations, and the people around me were supportive of me, the business, and each other. We were all in, whatever it took to make it happen together!

What do you attribute your success too? Secret to your success ...

I attribute my success to: asking questions (especially ‘why?’); frequent communication; being both vulnerable and transparent; taking inspiration from my successor’s skills while adding my own touch; being myself, and willing to change even when making the tough choices wasn’t favorable!

What advice would you give other local women leaders?

Don’t feel obligated to prove yourself just because you are a woman. Don’t back down when it is uncomfortable, especially when you’re the only woman in the room. You’ve earned your leadership position with courage and know-how - it’s yours and you deserve it!

Additional Notes

I owe the opportunities I have to my dad and my family. My dad set the stage, he trusted me, but he didn’t give this to me, I earned it. My husband and children have so much patience and are so supportive. When I am home late, cannot attend an event, or I’m on the road, they stand by me and love me as their mom and wife regardless.
It also takes a great team and having the right players makes all the difference. I couldn’t do my job without my executive team partners. They make a lot of it happen and their unwavering support is integral to our success.

Join the GRIT Community:
A professional women’s group that provides
support, encouragement, and tools for
women to thrive.

Jennifer Bardot (, or
314-630-1451) is CEO and Founder of G.R.I.T. Community For Women.

Marianne Biangardi ( or 314-322-4871) is Sr. Associate, Marketing and Business Development, at UHY LLP.

Submitted 1 years 87 days ago
Categories: categoryWomen Leaders
Views: 838