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Connecting on LinkedIn

by Kathy Bernard

Customizing your LinkedIn invitations can greatly improve your chances of prospects accepting them. To customize an invitation, visit a person’s profile from your computer and click Connect and then Add a Note. (Note: You can’t customize invitations sent by phone). Use the 300 characters that are available to introduce yourself. For example:

• “We met at the ABC event. I was the person who liked snowboarding. Let’s connect.”
• “We haven’t met yet, but Joe Blow speaks so highly of you that I wanted to introduce myself.”
• “I heard you speak at [EVENT] and was inspired by your message.”
• “I’m a fellow St. Louisan with 34 mutual connections, so I thought I’d invite you to connect in case our knowing each other might be mutually beneficial.”

If you encounter a profile without an invitation option, click the button with three dots. The connection option is listed there. You can include your phone number and email address in the invitation but not an attachment.

Also accept invitations! Each new connection expands your network of second-degree connections (friends of your connections) and third-degree connections (friends of your second-degree connections), which can help prospective buyers searching LinkedIn for products or services that you offer find you.

Feel free to invite me to connect, and when you do, practice customizing your invitation! I will accept, and then you can ask me questions there.
In conclusion, connect on LinkedIn! It can lead to new business, a new job and lasting friendships.

Kathy Bernard (, CEO of, is a St. Louis-based LinkedIn expert/trainer who equips businesses to maximize LinkedIn for sales, marketing or fundraising.

Submitted 6 years 48 days ago
Categories: categoryMastering LinkedIn
Views: 2958