Still making goals and resolutions? Why?

Created 10 years 129 days ago
by Rita Palmisano

Categories: categorySales Moves
Views: 3279
by Jeffrey Gitomer

 Holy frijoles, 2013 is over! How did you do? How did those resolutions and goals you made at the end of last year work out? Think about the word resolution – the root word is resolve. What was your 2013 resolve? What got in the way of achievement?

 Personally, I am against traditional resolutions and goals. If my thinking bugs you, don’t be too concerned. You’ll soon be receiving a barrage of offers from various “experts” encouraging you to achieve goals this year and have your “best year ever” – the very same goals you didn’t achieve last year.

 Most resolutions and goals set for the New Year are never achieved. Reason? They’re set emotionally and they’re set without an understanding of the circumstances around the goal. Better stated: Your circumstances.

 For your 2014 (and all years to come) I have created an easy-to-understand, “achievement opportunity” formula. Once you read it, and a few of the details, you will at once see where your achievement opportunities are, how they may fit into your life, and how you can use this formula to make this coming year a raging success.

 Here’s my formula: Situation + Opportunity + Objective + Why + Plan + Intentions + Responsibility = Favorable Outcome.

 STOP BEFORE YOU START: Don’t make any resolutions for the future until you have defined your present situation.

 IDENTIFY YOUR BIG PICTURE: What’s going on in your life and your career right now? What’s going on with your family, your money, your health, and your happiness? Will your present situation help you achieve and encourage you to achieve? Or will it be a barrier to achievement? What are you seeking to accomplish in 2014 and what is your real resolve to make it happen?

 WHAT CAN BE? Identify, in writing, your opportunities. Think about the opportunities that might change or enhance your present situation. What triggers are you hoping to pull this year? What mountains are you hoping to climb? What hurdles are you looking to leap over (without knocking them down)

 Look for opportunities in places you may not be thinking about:
• Key relationships
• New social media strategies
• Trends in your business
• Technology shifts
• Apps

• Blogging

 I think it’s also important to separate family opportunities from business and career opportunities. Make sure you have a list for both.

 Once you know where you are (situation), and you have identified how you can get from here to there (opportunity), then I recommend you make a 90-day game plan to achieve at least ONE of your opportunities. Not a goal, an opportunity. January, February, March. Document why you want it, what you have to do to make it happen, and what you’re hoping the outcome of that plan will be.

 Here are some details of the achievement plan and process:
• Describe WHAT the opportunity is, the OBJECTIVE that the opportunity creates, and WHY you want to take advantage of it and/or achieve it.
A NOTE ABOUT YOUR “WHY”: All too often “why” you want something is left at a superficial level. “To make more money” or “to support my family” or “to grow my career” – those are “surface whys” and may not provide enough incentive to achieve. Once you identify the surface why, ask yourself why again and again until the real why appears. “Why do I want to make more money?” “Why do I want to support my family?” “Why do I want to grow my career?” Second and third levels of “why” will provide the real incentive to achieve. Try it. You’ll be amazed at your own answers.
• Write a brief, 90-day plan of action. It can be a few short paragraphs or even bullet points. Writing the plan helps clarify your thinking, and solidify your determination to take action.
• List and describe your DAILY INTENTIONS. What do you plan to do every day to make this opportunity to achieve a reality? Beyond resolution, it’s your resolve combined with your hard work.
• Figure out the DAILY DOSE. What do you have to do each day to keep the momentum rolling?
• Come to the realization that in order to achieve, you must take total RESPONSIBILITY for the actions, the results, and the outcome.
• Describe the OUTCOME in more detail than you described your 90-day plan. Make sure the “after achievement” is clear.

 And then the hard part – do it!

 Here’s my formula again – try it, it works: Situation + Opportunity + Objective + Why + Plan + Intentions + Responsibility = Favorable Outcome.

 Follow my formula and my concepts, and you’ll take your achievement to a new level – a success level you’ve never attained before. I hope you do. Happy, healthy, wealthy New Year! n

Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of twelve best-selling books including The Sales Bible and The Little Red Book of Selling. His best-selling new book, 21.5 Unbreakable Laws of Selling, is now available. For information about training and seminars visit and, or email Jeffrey personally at