Take Free Online Training Classes Through LinkedIn Learning

Created 3 years 311 days ago
by RitaP

Categories: categoryMastering LinkedIn
Views: 2059
by Kathy Bernard

LinkedIn Learning (formerly Lynda.com) offers more than 16,000 business, creative, and technology courses online that you can take for free if you have a LinkedIn premium account (Career, Business, Sales, or Recruiter premium memberships range from $29.99 - $99.99 per person/month).

Through LinkedIn Learning, you or your staff can enroll in business, creative, or technical courses to learn in-demand skills, such as Excel, Java, or project management. Courses are taught by industry experts and give participants the precise knowledge needed to attain or retain jobs requiring those skills. Learn by topic, such as sales, or choose a software or tool to learn such as Python or Adobe Photoshop. You also can select a Learning Path like digital marketing, and LinkedIn Learning will suggest a series of courses in which you can become proficient. As a bonus, LinkedIn allows you to show completion badges in the Licenses & Certifications section of your profile for some courses and learning paths.

Try it out for free through the LinkedIn Learning Course Club -- https://learning.linkedin.com/course-club. You can take classes such as Productivity Tips: Finding Your Productive Mindset, Leading at a Distance, Connection between Well-Being and Productivity (taught by Arianna Huffington), or Executive Presence on Video Conference Calls.

Kathy Bernard (kathy@wiseru.com), CEO of WiserU.com, is a St. Louis-based LinkedIn expert/trainer who equips businesses to maximize LinkedIn for sales, marketing, or fundraising.