Understanding How Trust Works

Created 3 years 340 days ago
by RitaP

Categories: categoryEntrepreneur's Toolbox
Views: 2452
by James Canada

Today, trust in the virtual or physical workplace is paramount in the corporate world—and even more important for a small business. Without it, we waste valuable time wondering what the other person is doing to counter our progress or set us up for failure. Some people waste time worrying about others pulling their share of the workload. Trusting in our partners or employees frees us up mentally to get our own tasks done. The TORI Theory, developed by Jack Gibb, helps us understand how trust works. Trusting is a combination of the discovery and creation processes, which have four elements:

T – Trusting me, being who I am. I am always discovering and creating who I am, appreciating my own uniqueness, and being aware of my essence.

O – Opening and showing. I am always discovering and creating ways to reveal myself to myself and others, discovering your essence and communicating.

R – Realizing and doing what I want. I am always discovering and creating my own paths, rhythms and emerging nature, and actualizing this nature.

I – Interdepending, being with you. Together we are discovering and creating our inter-being, the ways we can live together in freedom and intimacy.

When trust is high, people and systems function well. A high level of trust heightens the creative processes because feeling and thinking are more focused and energized, people act more directly, consciousness is awakened, and new abilities are discovered. Asking for feedback and supporting other’s ideas go a long way in creating trust. By providing the tools to support our team members, we help them to be successful and we remove those creativity roadblocks. Building trust with your small team can truly energize them to go far beyond your expectations.

James H. Canada is managing partner/CEO for Alliance Technologies LLC, ITEN mentor and author of “Corporate to Entrepreneur: Strategies for Success.” Contact Jim at james.canada@alliancetechnologiesllc.com, 636-734-2337 or www.alliancetechnologiesllc.com.