Great Expectations

Created 4 years 104 days ago
by RitaP

Categories: categoryLeader Acceleration
Views: 2718
by Kathy Cooperman

With the start of another new year, many people feel a sense of a new beginning. It’s a perfect time for leaders to inspire and boost motivation for all employees.

In January, I worked with a 70-person company in Atlanta, GA where the President led a kickoff meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to review 2019 and introduce inspirational goals for 2020. The theme of the meeting was, “breakthrough performance”.

In planning for the meeting, we agreed to use the 212 degrees concept. A book by that name (212° The Extra Degree, Sam Parker) explains that water is very hot at 211°. By adding just one more degree of heat, the very hot water boils. Boiling water produces steam . . . and steam can power a train!

We presented statistics from the world of sports. We highlighted athletes who won first place medals (who won by a fraction of a second over the second-place winners). This was true in the Olympics, professional golf tournaments, auto-racing, and more!

Once employees were bought into the concept, we asked each six-person table to talk about what they could do, individually, to give just one degree more effort in 2020. The President explained that anyone reaching or exceeding their mutually agreed-upon goal for the year would be part of a company trip to Ireland with a guest—all expenses paid. Excitement filled the air.

What one thing could you and your team do in the coming year that would require one degree more effort? Collectively, you could realize breakthrough performance.

Perhaps some of the ideas from the Atlanta company might spark ideas for you and/or your team:

- Make three more calls/day to prospects/clients.
- Cut out 15 minutes of wasted time each day to increase value-added performance.
- Attend one networking opportunity each week.
- Add 15 minutes/week to professional development.
- Consistently hold one-on-one meetings with each direct-report weekly.
- Say “thank you” or show appreciation at least once daily to a customer, co-worker, boss, etc.
- Reduce the number of complaints thought or spoken each day.

Where to Begin?
Define your purpose. What’s the breakthrough message that you’d like your team to embrace?
- What will you use for your theme?
- Who can help you craft your message or motivate the team with a motivational talk?

Plan. Lay out the logistics.
- Who should attend?
- What else will be presented? (Last year’s metrics/performance; goals/incentives for 2020?).

Deliver your message. During the Atlanta meeting, everyone received a copy of the 212° book.
- Share relevant examples of well-known, outstanding performers who gave that extra effort and accomplished greatness.

Wrap Up. Potential next steps might include:
- Have each team member schedule a meeting with their manager.
- They define what that extra degree (goal) will look like for them.
- Periodic tracking meetings are set to review progress and celebrate small wins.

Leaders--you are essential to greatness in your team. You hold the key to creating the environment for great expectations in 2020!

Kathy Cooperman, an executive coach and leadership expert, is the president and founder of KC Leadership Consulting LLC. For more information, contact her at, or 720.542.3324.